The speciation event that separated puma zapatos these lineages may have occurred in North or South America, with the molecular dating estimate supporting the former, as it tends to predate the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) (ca. 2.5 3.5 MYA) and the implied colonization of South America by any felid ( Woodburne, 2010 ; Eizirik, 2012 ). However, since the credibility interval of this estimate slightly overlaps the timing of the GABI, this issue is still not fully settled. Interestingly, Barnett et al. (2005) provided molecular evidence indicating that the extinct North American felid Miracinonyx trumani is the puma's closest relative, with a divergence puma by alexander mcqueen time estimated at 3.19 MYA.
This finding would support the hypothesis of a North American origin for the puma, with subsequent colonization of South America by this species, in parallel with that of alexander mcqueen for puma the jaguarundi.
In a previous study focusing on pumas ( Culver et al. , 2000 ), three mtDNA segments were employed ( ND5 , 16S and ATP8 ). Of these, ND5 showed the highest polymorphic content in this species, based on a segment spanning 318 bp. A new primer set for this gene was designed specifically for carnivores ( Trigo et al. , 2008 ), amplifying a longer puma black shoes womens fragment ( ca. 750 bp) and exhibiting successful amplification across several families ( e.g. Felidae, Mustelidae, Mephitidae, Procyonidae [unpublished data]).
To select a marker that would provide suitable information levels, we initially examined the mtDNA fragments used in previous studies, especially those involving Neotropical felids ( e.g. Eizirik et al. , 1998 , 2001 ; Johnson et al. , 1998 , 1999 ; Culver et al. , 2000 ).
We selected the ca. 750 bp-long fragment of the ND5 gene reported by Trigo et al. (2008) , thus considerably increasing the information content derived from this marker relative to the previous phylogeographic study of the puma ( puma by rihanna slides Culver et al. , 2000 ). Finally, the availability of ND5 sequences for the extinct felid Miracinonyx trumani ( Barnett et al. , 2005 ) was an additional asset of this segment, allowing the inclusion of this fossil taxon in some analyses.
Sequence electropherograms were visually inspected and edited using Chromas Lite 2.01 or FinchTV 1.4.0. Sequences were aligned with the CLUSTALW algorithm ( Higgings et al. , 1996 ) implemented in MEGA 4 ( Tamura et al. , 2007 ), followed by manual verification and editing. The resulting novel puma sequences were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers {"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"KF460496-KF460523","start_term":"KF460496","end_term":"K sequences were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers {"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"KF460496-KF460523","start_term":"KF460496","end_term":"KF460523","start_term_id":"572098819","end_term_id":"572098873"}} KF460496-KF460523 ).